Compare text online

Fast Document Comparison

Our text-diff-online service enables instant comparison of two text documents, highlighting all differences. No more manual search for changes — the service automatically identifies even minor discrepancies in content. Various formats are supported, including text files and web pages. Comparison helps to quickly analyze text revisions, contract versions, or important documents, saving you time and minimizing errors.

Optimizing Text Versions

Text-diff-online helps compare text versions and improve the final draft. The visual representation of differences allows you to see precisely what has been added or removed, simplifying the editing and proofreading process. It's an ideal tool for writers, editors, and students who need to enhance their works, improving coherence and text quality without losing important points.

Detecting Content Changes

With text-diff-online, you can easily detect any changes in the content of web pages or documents. The service is perfect for monitoring edits on websites as well as verifying the integrity of information in texts. Just upload two files, and the system will show all the changes. This makes the service useful for content managers and professionals working with large volumes of data.

Automated Difference Analysis

The text-diff-online service performs an automated analysis of differences between two texts, helping you focus on key changes. It’s a great way to track project progress, verify corrections in documents, or analyze any text edits. With an intuitive interface and flexible settings, you can easily track any changes and respond to them in a timely manner.

Comparing Technical Documentation

Text-diff-online provides a powerful tool for comparing technical texts and instructions. You can easily compare different versions of technical documentation to ensure that all updates have been made correctly. This feature is essential for developers and engineers who work with documents where every change is critically important.

Editing Legal Texts

Text-diff-online makes it easy to compare and edit legal texts. The service highlights even minor differences in wording, making it an essential tool for lawyers and professionals working with contracts and agreements. Quickly identifying edits and changes will help avoid legal mistakes and speed up the document review process.

Service usage scenarios

  • You’ve entered into a real estate contract and received several versions from your lawyer. To avoid missing any crucial details, you upload both versions to text-diff-online. The service quickly highlights all changes—minor wording tweaks and added clauses. This gives you confidence that nothing important has been overlooked, allowing you to make an informed decision.
  • Before submitting your thesis, you review several versions of the document. Using text-diff-online, you easily find the differences between the first and final drafts, tracking edits and additions. This ensures that the final version includes all crucial points and that errors are corrected. This approach saves time and helps improve the quality of your work.
  • Your company has updated its work standards, and you’re tasked with revising the instructions. To check what changes have been made between the old and new versions, you use text-diff-online. The service finds all differences and highlights the updates. This simplifies the editing process, allowing you to quickly share the revised information with the entire team.
  • You run a blog and regularly update content. To ensure all changes on the website are made correctly, you use text-diff-online to compare the old and new versions of a page. The service helps track any edits, even small details. This allows you to maintain the accuracy and relevance of information on your site.
  • Your lawyer sent you an updated cooperation agreement. You want to ensure that the new terms match what was previously discussed, so you upload both versions to text-diff-online. The service highlights all changes, and you see that additional clauses have been included. This helps you quickly understand the document and discuss the changes with your lawyer.
  • Your company received two proposals from different contractors for the same project. To choose the best one, you upload both documents to text-diff-online. The service identifies all differences in terms and pricing, helping you make an informed decision. Now you know exactly which option suits your needs better and can discuss it with your team.